Mozambique: Gun fire sets panic in north Mozambique

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  1. Mozambique: Gun fire sets panic in north Mozambique
Mocímboa da Praia, Mozambique, Southern Africa
Incident Date: January 29, 2024
Instability Rating Max 5.0: 3.50

The population of Mocímboa da Praia town, one of the regions plagued by islamist terrorism in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, experienced moments of panic at around midnight on Monday as a result of intense gunfire. According to a local paper, citing local sources, the causes of the gunfire “are still a mystery to be solved”, although it is believed that terrorists might have launched an attack.

The gunfire caused fear and forced many people to flee to hiding places. “Others even slept on the beach, while others spent the night in silence”, said Assane Salimo, one of the paper’s sources. Since October 2017, Cabo Delgado has been the target of terrorist attacks that have killed more than 3,000 citizens and caused more than 900,000 people to flee to safer places, triggering a humanitarian crisis.

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