Contraband smuggling

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Found 7 listings

Libya: Security agency prevents fuel smuggling

ubari, libya, Libya, Maghreb
Incident Date: August 26, 2024
Instability Rating Max 5.0: 1.50
Arrests: 3
Summary: On August 26, 2024, Brigade 444, under the Libyan Army Chief of Staff, announced that it successfully intercepted the smuggling of 40,000 liters of fuel in the Libyan desert. The brigade reported that its members pursued the smugglers along desert routes and managed to seize a truck loaded with the fuel, which was prepared for illegal transport. Fuel smuggling is a significant issue in Libya, as the country imports most of its fuel and [...]

Algeria: Five arrested for contraband and weapon possession

Timiaouine, Adrar, Algeria, Algeria, Maghreb
Incident Date: July 23, 2024
Instability Rating Max 5.0: 2.00
Arrests: 5
Summary: In Algeria, ownership of weapons is illegal. In the week ending 23 July 2024, four people were intercepted allegedly carrying an automatic pistol, 8 shotguns, and bullets. The military hinted that they are alleged smugglers, since they were carrying more than 43,500 litres of fuel and 10.6 tons of food. A fifth man was arrested in Timiaouine, in possession of a rifle. He is accused of committing crimes in the region.