Attacks on civilians

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Mopti – Mali: Katiba Macina Attack Kills 14 Civilians

Djenné, Mopti, Mali, Mali, Sahel
Incident Date: March 4, 2025 - March 12, 2025
Instability Rating Max 5.0: 4.00
Deaths: 14
Fatalities type:
  • Civilian
Wounded: 10

On March 4, in the late afternoon, several dozen militants from Katiba Macina (JNIM) attacked the village of Douh Bozo (Doubosso), Djenné, Mopti, on the southern bank of the river. The attack resulted in at least 14 civilian deaths and over 10 wounded, who were evacuated.

The attackers pillaged and burned houses, causing significant destruction. It is unclear if this attack is linked to the recent visit of General Kéba Sangaré, [...]

Mali: Central Mali populations targeted by JNIM

Fangadougou, Mopti, Mali, Mali, Sahel
Summary: #Mali 🇲🇱 | Since the beginning of September and despite significant flooding in the Dogon country ( #Mopti ), the Katiba Macina terrorists ( #JNIM ) have continued their attacks against the local populations. 🔹 The latest terrorist attacks were mainly carried out with the aim of seizing the livestock of shepherds and villagers. 🔴 Several shepherds were killed during the robberies, notably at #Fangadougou , #Bassagou_Kanda and #Sokoro_Kanda near #Diallassagou and #Timissa . One man [...]