Found 5 listings
Mali: Inhabitants of Menaka face imminent economic collapse
Menaka, mali, Mali, Sahel
February 6, 2024
The blockade imposed for more than a month on major roads leading to the Ménaka region by insurgents is beginning to suffocate the population of this desert area in northern Mali. According to various local sources, civil society in the region alerted the State representative, Governor Colonel Major Amadou Camara, to the absence of medicines in pharmaceutical depots, but also of cereals and fuel.
Mali: Army says it neutralized “terrorists” in Koulikoro
Koulikoro, mali, Mali, Sahel
February 4, 2024
- Civilian
On February 4, a relief mission from the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) has reportedly neutralized several insurgent fighters and destroyed a large quantity of rolling stock, following an attempted ambush in Dioumara and Torodo, in the Koulikoro region. The army said the insurgent also fired on a civilian bus, causing the death of one passenger and injuring another.
Mali: Clashes between terrorists and hunters in Bankass
Bankass, Mali, Sahel
February 2, 2024
Clashes between terrorists and Dan Na Ambassagou in Bankass: Several assailants neutralized according to the hunters. The village of Kessa Gourou, located in the Bankass circle, was the subject of a terrorist incursion last Friday, February 2nd.
Mali: Terror attack thwarted in Segou
Kimparana, Ségou, Mali, Mali, Sahel
January 26, 2024
On Friday, January 26, 2024, another terrorist attack was thwarted and repelled in KIMPARANA. Sweep operations resulted in the recovery of communication devices, ammunition, and various equipment.
Mali: Insurgent attack repelled in Hambori
Hombori, Mopti, Mali, Mali, Sahel
January 25, 2024
On Thursday, January 25, 2024, a terrorist attack targeting the exit checkpoint of HOMBORI, in the locality of GOSSI, was forcefully repelled.